
Lieutenant General Mike Dana, USMC (Ret.) is an expert in strategic planning, logistics, and innovation. In 2019, he retired after 37 years of service in the United States Marine Corps. In his last two assignments, he was the head of Marine Corps Logistics and then the Director of the Marine Corps Staff. During Mike’s decades of service, he deployed 10 times, to include Saudi Arabia in 1991, Somalia in 1992, Croatia in 1996, Kuwait in 2004, Iraq in 2006, Haiti in 2010 and Afghanistan in 2011. He served on joint duty three times, to include tours as the NORTHCOM J-4 and PACOM J-5. As a Lieutenant General, he formed the Next Generation Logistics Team (NEXLOG), which found new and adaptive ways to leverage emerging technology for Marine Corps logistics. Mike is a Senior Director with Pallas Advisors and serves on a variety of Advisory Boards. He earned a Master’s Degree from the Naval War College and is a graduate of the School of Advanced Warfighting.